August 7, 2005
July 3, 2005
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MR. INCREDIBLE (aka Robert Parr) | =Hero= |
THE THING (aka Ben Grimm) |
Super-strength | =Superpower= |
Super-strength |
Patriarch of family who's in hiding and longs for "super" past. | =Modus Operandi= |
Friend of Reed Richards and ace pilot who is transformed into a body made of rock. |
Mr. Incredible At least he can have a secret identity. ![]() | =Advantage= | |
MRS. INCREDIBLE (aka Helen Parr) | =Hero= |
MR. FANTASTIC (aka Reed Richards) |
Elastic Body | =Superpower= |
Elastic Body |
Matriarch of family who provides voice of reason. Handy with a plane as well. | =Modus Operandi= |
Patriarch of family who is a super-genius. Knows everything. |
PUSH Sure, Reed is a genius, but Helen knows how to use her power much better. ![]() | =Advantage= |
PUSH Sure, Reed is a genius, but Helen knows how to use her power much better. |
VIOLET (aka Violet Parr) | =Hero= |
INVISIBLE WOMAN (aka Susan Richards nee Storm) |
Invisibility & Force Field | =Superpower= |
Invisibility & Force Field |
Shy daughter of Mr. & Mrs. Incredible. Just starting to grasp a knowledge of her powers. | =Modus Operandi= |
Matriarch of family, and sister of The Human Torch, who provides the voice of reason. |
=Advantage= |
Invisible Woman She has greater range in regards to shape of her force field and can actually make other things invisible. Not mention she doesn't have confidence issues. ![]() | |
JACK-JACK (aka umm, Jack-Jack) | =Hero= |
THE HUMAN TORCH (aka Johnny Storm) |
About to manipulate fire, levitation, ability to move through solid matter, et al. | =Superpower= |
About to manipulate fire; flight |
Baby of the family whose superpowers are just starting to sprout. | =Modus Operandi= |
Cocky and impulsive brother of Sue. |
PUSH Jack-Jack has more powers, but is way too young. Johnny, though a jackass, is ready to rumble. ![]() | =Advantage= |
PUSH Jack-Jack has more powers, but is way too young. Johnny, though a jackass, is ready to rumble. |
DASH (aka Dashiel Parr) | =Hero= |
FRANKLIN RICHARDS (aka Psi-Lord [at least later in life]) |
Super-speed | =Superpower= |
Superior telepathy and telekinetic powers (again, later as an adult) |
Hyper pre-teen son. | =Modus Operandi= |
Son of Reed and Sue who will grow up in a freak temporal accident in a matter of a few months and end up having issues with his father, Mr. Fantastic. Recently returned to his correct size and age as a child. |
Dash Franklin's going to be scarred for life after becoming Psi-Lord and then back to a child (although he has no memory of this). Nonetheless, Dash is ready now as a hero. ![]() | =Advantage= |
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SYNDROME (aka Buddy Pine) | =Arch-enemy= |
DR. DOOM (aka Victor von Doom) |
None (but has a bunch of nice gadgets) | =Superpower= |
None (but has a bunch of nice gadgets and a knack for mysticism) |
Hero-obsessed boy who grows up to be power-obsessed villain. Has it out for Mr. Incredible. Rules his own little private island named Nomanisan Island. | =Modus Operandi= |
Wears a mask to conceal a small scar for vanity's sake, but ended up putting on the mask too soon after it was forged and burn the crap out of his face. Has it out for Mr. Fantastic. Ruler of small eastern European nation of Latveria. |
=Advantage= |
Dr. Doom Despite discovering "zero-point energy," Syndrome is way too pissy (and dead). Doom does dabble in the occult for that added advantage, plus Doom has a hard time staying dead. ![]() | |
FROZONE (aka Lucius Best) | =Hero= |
ICEMAN (aka Bobby Darren) |
Ability to create ice and snow | =Superpower= |
Ability to create ice and snow |
Running buddy of Mr. Incredible. | =Modus Operandi= |
Founding member of the X-Men. |
Frozone Poor Iceman ended up being relegated to the X-Men's second and third string, and rarely got any face time after Spider-Man and his Amazing Friends. ![]() | =Advantage= | |
GAZERBEAM (aka Simon J. Paladino) | =Hero= |
CYCLOPS (aka Scott Summers) |
Can shoot lasers out of his eyes | =Superpower= |
Can shoot lasers out of his eyes |
Hero who spent time as a civilian advocating greater acceptance of "supers." | =Modus Operandi= |
Hero who spends time advocating greater acceptance of "mutants." |
=Advantage= |
Cyclops He's still alive and gets to go home to Jean Grey. Grrr. ![]() | |
INCREDOBILE | =Transportation= |
Can transform from compact car to fully loaded superhero car for Mr. Incredible. | =Features= |
Flying vehicle that can transport the Fantastic Four. |
Incredobile Sure, the Incredobile was only made for Mr. Incredible, but the transformation feature is straight out of Pimp My Ride. Plus, the Fantasticar has no roof, so it sucks when it rains. ![]() | =Advantage= |
April 21, 2005
![]() | Something To Pass The Time Because someone asked, here are some television programs that I've enjoyed recently: Check'em out! |
February 11, 2005
February 3, 2005